The range of head and leaf lettuces is wide all year round today. Which lettuce should you choose for your diet? The answer is simple – every single one is beneficial to your health, and each brings different benefits. They all have one thing in common – the content of chlorophyll, the typical green pigment. It is called the blood of plants, and it has a truly beneficial effect on our blood, as it cleanses it of all evil.
Common head lettuce – most other varieties like iceberg or romaine lettuce originated from it. If your school cafeteria made you dislike it, give it another chance. It has anti-inflammatory effects, contains a lot of magnesium, and excellently reduces harmful cholesterol.
Choose iceberg lettuce really fresh. Appearances can be deceiving because this lettuce holds a large amount of water for a long time. You can recognize truly fresh lettuce by its very light stalk. If the stalk is dark, even brown, the lettuce will not have as many vitamins and nutrients. It is excellent for a reduction diet and contains enough fiber.
Chicory, thanks to its bitter taste, not only adds a special touch to any dish but also greatly benefits digestion. The bitterness disappears with heat treatment. It is great for weight loss and speeds up the metabolic process.
Arugula, on the other hand, stimulates the appetite. Arugula contains many substances beneficial for the heart and helps in the prevention of osteoporosis and diabetes. It is an excellent source of antioxidants and has anti-cancer effects. You can quickly grow it at home on a windowsill, it grows like a weed.
Lamb’s lettuce leaves reduce stress. This delicate salad with a nutty flavor has the highest vitamin C content of all salad varieties. The high magnesium content in lamb’s lettuce has a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system, reduces stress, and improves mood.
Use rosso lettuce for its high carotene content and also a large amount of vitamin E. This is a strong antioxidant. If lollo rosso is too bitter for you, you can also find carotenes and vitamin E in oak leaf lettuce. It has a milder, much more delicious taste, helps calm the body, but wilts very quickly.